Dear MECA Members,


On behalf of Hon’ble MECA President and Members of the Executive Committee, I wish you all a very happy Victory Day 2020. Let us remember the martyrs including Khurshid Ali Bhai (B2) on this occasion.

This message is intended to draw the kind attention of MECA Members, who are members of Cadet College Club Limited. Please disregard, if this is not relevant to you.

You all know, the CCCL Election 2020 has been rescheduled to be held on Saturday, 19th December 2020 in the below locations:

Venue 1: Cadet College Club Complex, Purbachal (1000 hrs-1800 hrs, without any break)

Google Map Location:,+Purbachal/@23.8397309,90.4840406,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x3755c97cbbb6eb13:0xbca7408a7b583707!8m2!3d23.8397309!4d90.4862293

Venue 2: Cadet College Club Ltd, Gulshan Complex. (1000 hrs- 1400 hrs). Priority basis vote casting facilities will be rendered to Batch 78 and before, whenever arriving at the CCCL Complex, Purbachal.

Please come and cast your valuable vote for Manzur Murshed Bhai (MCC B16), candidate for the position of Vice President.













Please follow the instructions / guidelines in the attached letter issued by CCCL Election Commission. However, please carry your CCCL ID card to the election venue. If not available, please bring your NID / valid Driving License / Passport with you.

And please DO NOT forget to wear your mask, NO MASK, NO ENTRY to the venue.

We look forward to seeing you all on 19th December 2020 at CCCL Election Venues.

United We Stand.

Shah Ahmedul Kabir (Suvro)
GS-MECA (in-charge)


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